Located in the heart of Victoria’s high density Core Business Area, The Montrose Wintergarden application proposes a new mixed-use hotel project on the corner of Blanshard and Fort Street that includes the preservation, rehabilitation, and heritage designation of the Montrose Apartments located at the corner of Blanshard Street and View Street.

Key project objectives:

  • To align with City of Victoria’s economic action plan, Victoria 3.0, and the Official Community Plan.

  • To expand, diversify and sustain Victoria’s tourism market.

  • To support the City of Victoria’s recovery, reinvention and resiliency goals.

  • To create an architectural landmark rich in amenities for local residents and visitors seeking a modern urban experience in the heart of Downtown Victoria.

  • To preserve, protect and restore a distinct heritage building.

  • To continue to provide uninterrupted market rental housing in the heart of Victoria. No tenants will be displaced as a result of the renovations.



An Award Winning Team

Grounded in a shared desire to manifest a supremely livable and engaging urban environment that tells our stories of the past and our dreams for the future, Montrose Wintergarden has assembled a distinguished team of Victoria’s architecture and building leaders:

  • Project History: Planning for Wintergarden began in 2018 through research and dialogue with local stakeholders and a thoughtful exploration of the commercial and architectural history, and the development potential of the site within its unique neighbourhood.

  • Despite the uncertainty that arrived in early 2020, we have great confidence in the recovery of the Victoria market - its attractiveness as one of Canada’s most diverse and livable cities, its entrepreneurial spirit and surging technology sector, and its timeless appeal to visitors from near and far. Our project will contribute to the strength and resiliency of the local economy.



  •  The role of the Montrose Apartments has always been to provide rental housing and commercial spaces to support the local Victoria community and the retention of the existing commercial and residential rental units is paramount to the project.

  • Originally constructed in 1912, Montrose Apartments is comprised of ground floor commercial space with 21 rental apartment homes above.

  • Through careful heritage rehabilitation, these commercial and residential units will be preserved to continue to provide cherished local retail space and much-needed, affordable market rental apartments.

  • Our proposal engrains these commitments through seeking heritage designation of the building and retaining the residential units as rental units for 60 years or the life of the building.

  • We are currently updating and renovating the suites as vacancies become available to address life-safety requirements.



Conceived as a contemporary architectural expression but sympathetic to its downtown neighbourhood and historic neighbours, the design concept had intentions to achieve:

  • An architectural landmark at an important intersection contributing to Victoria’s emerging skyline, while maintaining the characteristic roof cornice line of the surrounding early 20th-century fabric;

  • A compatible architectural foil to the historic Montrose Apartments and St. Andrew's Cathedral;

  • A preserved, rehabilitated, and Heritage Designated Montrose Apartments;

  • The addition of an exceptional Wintergarden as a public amenity for downtown Victoria.

  • The Fort Street public realm space is enlivened by the interaction of the glass atrium Wintergarden condition while Blanshard and View Streets will have enhanced public spaces due to road narrowing on Blanshard and a curb enhancement on View Street.



  • Designed by C. Elwood Watkins, the 3 storey Montrose Apartments building was constructed out of brick in 1912 for Andrew Sheret Ltd. providing ground floor commercial space with housing units above. Andrew Sheret’s plumbing business operated out of the building until the 1950s, and a painted sign advertising Sheret’s Plumbing is still visible on the western facade today. The building was listed on the Canadian Register of Historic Places in 1995, but has not been designated as a heritage building.

  • Our proposal seeks to achieve heritage designation for the Montrose Apartments to officially recognize and protect its historic significance.



  • Wintergarden Hotel: Located in the Victoria’s historic Fort Street Corridor, our proposal aligns with the City’s Official Community Plan and Downtown Core Area Plan and represents new investment in tourism infrastructure key to the recovery and diversification of Victoria’s visitor economy.

  • Located in Victoria’s historic Fort Street corridor, Wintergarden Hotel is a slender 17 storey triangular tower encompassing 128 rooms rising from a 3 storey atrium podium featuring commercial and public space. The architectural design is contemporary while respecting its historic neighbourhood placement.

  • 128 guest accommodation units are designed to support extended stay visitors, with in-suite kitchenette and compact, flexible living spaces suited to working travelers and long-term visitors.

  • The proposed 200m2 south-facing Wintergarden will become a landmark within the downtown public realm.

Features include:

  • The podium structure is a glass-enclosed atrium, heavy timber structure that serves as a grand entrance to offices on levels two and three

  • Interior includes a soaring spiral staircase leading to a 4th floor restaurant and indoor/outdoor lounge area with views of the city

  • Ground floor café

  • Open and inviting multi-purpose space

  • Fort Street enhancements such as mature landscaping including new trees, planted boulevards, seating and lighting.

  • Wider sidewalk and bike-way.



City of Victoria Official Community Plan

The proposed Development Application is consistent with City policies. The OCP growth concept envisions the Core Business area remaining the region’s government headquarters and central business district through retention of office uses and guidance for new high density commercial development. The objectives of this designation reference revitalization of the central business district through high-rise commercial buildings.

City of Victoria Committee of the Whole Report:

  • The proposal is consistent with Official Community Plan, 2012 (OCP) objectives related to advancing economic and tourism goals, achieving heritage designation of a registered heritage building and securing rental tenure of 21 existing residential units.

  • The proposed densities built form are in line with the relevant OCP urban place designation, noting that additional density may be considered in cases where heritage-designation is achieved.

  • The proposed massing and density are consistent with the City form and placemaking objectives in the OCP, particularly in response to the landmark building radius and public realm goals to balance new development and heritage conservation.

  • The proposal is consistent with the Downtown Core Area Plan, 2011 (DCAP) guidelines aimed at revitalizing the central business district while balancing heritage values and views of heritage landmark through the distribution of density proposed and through a high quality architectural and urban design approach.

The Application seeks the following key approvals:

  • Density of 6.39 to 1 Floor Space Ratio (FSR), an increase from 6.0 to 1 FSR

  • Maximum building height of 20 storeys and 66 m, an increase from the DCAP Maximum Building Height of 60 m.

  • OCP specifies that guidelines may be varied to achieve heritage conservation objectives, which will be achieved through Heritage Designation of the Montrose Apartments building.

  • Reduced setbacks for upper portions of the building to allow for the unique triangular floor plate.

Rezoning and Development Permit with Variances Application:

  • The OCP growth concept envisions the Core Business area remaining the region’s government headquarters and central business district through retention of office uses and guidance for new high density commercial development. The objectives of this designation reference revitalization of the central business district through highrise commercial buildings

  • The DCAP sets a height limit of 60m. Our proposal reaches a maximum of 66m, or 20 storeys, comprised of a 17 storey hotel tower above a 3 storey podium. The relatively small and constrained site results in a slender building form and small floor plates. These constitute positive elements of the design solution

Design Rationale:

  • Our proposal reaches a maximum of 66 m, or 20 storeys, comprised of a 17 storey hotel tower above a 3 storey podium. The relatively small and constrained site results in a slender building form and small floor plates.

  • The triangular floor plates of the tower largely exceeds setback requirements, with only the tips of the building’s wings extending into upper level setback area. These constitute positive elements of the design solution as the angled building form mitigates potential impacts.

  • The OCP includes building heights up to 24 storeys in the Core Business area in select locations; however, the exact ‘select locations’ are not specified.

  • The DCAP Maximum Building Height is 72m on the neighbouring block immediately to the north.



  • The application proposes retention of the existing 21 residential rental units, which will be secured through legal agreement to remain rental for 60 years or the life of the building.

  • No tenants will be evicted due to renovations or repairs.

  • There is a unique mix of residents and business owners that form the Montrose community and our intention is to minimize disruptions as the development and renovation processes advance.

  • We commit to maintaining open lines of communication with our tenants as the rezoning application advances to ensure there is clear understanding of our intent to retain existing tenants.



The Montrose Apartments and Wintergarden Hotel project introduces a new Victoria narrative through elegant and sophisticated architecture that complements enduring heritage legacies, welcoming visitors to experience the city from the perspective of the people who live and work here.

  • Our investment demonstrates confidence and alignment with the City of Victoria’s economic action plan, Victoria 3.0.

  • Our project represents the implementation of the City of Victoria’s Official Community Plan and is consistent with its vision, guiding the evolution of our city toward the future-ready, globally-fluent influencer and innovator.

  • Our approach balances complex heritage restoration, economic development and housing affordability priorities and sensibilities.

  • Our project retains important existing commercial and rental residential units in perpetuity supporting tenants during renovation ensuring they are not displaced as a result of investment in building upgrades.

  • Our project is part of a critical pathway for the recovery of the visitor economy and represents strategic diversification in the guest accommodation marketplace that will strengthen year-round tourism vibrancy.

  • Our project’s thoughtful and striking design will be a vibrant destination landmark in the heart of the City for visitors and residents alike.

We are sensitive in our approach and have worked to balance complex heritage restoration, economic development and housing affordability priorities to present a viable and contextual solution for the site.

We look forward to your input into the evolution of the story and are confident that collectively we will arrive at the best possible plan for reimagining the future of this landmark corner at Fort and Blanshard.